ach Dogtube has unique features for your needs...
Our New Dogtube
Economical and Heavyweight

This product features the latest development in Dogtube technology. Fully extruded from PVC and urethane materials, this design allows for a much heavier, more durable tube, yet still retains extreme flexibility. We can now custom blend colors for large orders and offer a wider range of vibrant colors for smaller orders. This heavy duty product is ideal for large clubs or backyard users.
View Features and Pricing...
We at have committed ourselves to achieving and supplying the highest quality agility tunnels in the industry. Working hand in hand with our manufacturer, we constantly strive to develop new concepts in an ever changing marketplace. With new developments like our fully extruded tunnel or our highly popular clear tunnel, you will see why Dogtube is the one for you.
Ask for it by name..... DOGTUBE